Lesson 3: Standardising Sheet Metal Designs - In lesson 3, users will investigate the use of gauge and bend tables in sheet metal modelling. Finally the user will learn how to export a sheet metal flat pattern to DXF or DWG file formats. They will be taught how to access and modify cut list item properties and how to create drawings of sheet metal parts. Lesson 2: Working with the Flat Pattern - In lesson 2, the user will learn how to modify flat pattern settings and the corners of a formed sheet metal part. Upon completion of this lesson the user will understand unique sheet metal FeatureManager tree items and specialised sheet metal cut options. The user will be taught how to add edge and miter flanges as well as how to use the hem and tab features. Lesson 1: Basic Flange Features - The first lesson of this course teaches the user how to create a sheet metal part and how to flatten it to reveal the flat pattern.